Saturday, December 14, 2013


Saps Hosts The International Association Of Women Police’s (IAWP) 51st Training Conference
In October 2009, the Minister of Police approved that the International Association of Woman Police (IAWP) Training conference be hosted in South Africa in 2013. After a successful bid, the 51st IAWP Training Conference will be held in South Africa from the 22nd to the 26th of September 2013 at the Durban ICC.
Lt.Gen. (Dr) Leah Mofomme, who is the region 18 co-coordinator, was appointed conference director to lead the conference directing committee to organise the conference.
Since this is the first time that the IAWP conference was held in Africa since its establishment in 1915; the National Commissioner of the SAPS had a strong desire for maximum participation and attendance by women from Africa (region 18). This led to a reduction in registration costs, which enabled women from all over the world to afford the conference.

The Opening Ceremony for the conference was held on 22 September 2013 at the Durban City Hall. Delegates from different countries participated in a “march of the Nations” from the city centre to the City Hall in line with the tradition of the IAWP. The SAPS bands provided exciting music, leading a contingent of police officers from all over the world in their uniforms and each carrying their respective country flag. By Dr AL Mofomme. The march was led by the Minister of Police, Mr Nathi Mthethwa and the National Commissioner General Phiyega. 

The Speaker in the City of Durban, the Minister of Police, the National Commissioner of Police, the President of the IAWP, the Region 18 Coordinator and the Conference Director all addressed the audience at the opening. Entertainment was provided by the police band, police choirs and various local dance groups.